Premiered in 2020, Lim Ju-kyung, is a high school student who developed an insecurity about her appearance since childhood due to being bullied and discriminated by those arounf her as she is perceived as 'ugly'. To hide her bare face, she started to wear heavy make-up. Her excellent make-up skills helps in enhancing her beauty, and persuade others that her beautiful, goddess like, made-up face is her natural appearance. She befriends her high school mate Lee Su-ho, a wealthy, but cold boy, and Han Seo-jun, an aggressive student with good talents and finds herself in the middle of a love triangle. This plot follows Ju-kyung and her crazy high school life while trying to hide her real face as she navigates her daily life and pursuing her dream goal of becoming a make up artist.
Awards and Nominations
Asia Artists Awards 2021, Cha Eun Woo and Mun Ka-Young won the Emotive Actor and Actress Awards
Indonesian Hallyu Fans Choice Awards 2021, True Beauty won the K-drama of the Year Award​